Please be Advised:

If you believe that Cam has contacted you via the comments on YouTube asking you to message him on Telegram, WhatsApp, or any other platform that doesn’t end with “” - this is NOT Cam, and is a scam. Please DO NOT contact any such person, as you have NOT won any prize from Cam.


We love to work with brands we love! If you would like to inquire about a potential sponsorship/collaboration with your product or brand don’t hesitate to contact us. Please make sure you are affiliated with a company considering a sponsorship if you send a message to this email though.

Media Inquires:

general inquires Here:

Want to shoot me a personal message not related to buying furniture, media, consulting, or epoxy tables? Drop me a message:

Custom furniture inquiries:

We would love the opportunity to work with you

If you have questions regarding custom order furniture commissions or other business inquiries, please submit the form below, and we’ll get back to you soon.

To be able to quickly provide pricing and availability for your custom furniture project, please include details like dimensions, style, and wood type in your message. If you’re unsure, just let us know! We’ll schedule a phone call and work through the details together.

Epoxy table-making questions?

I recently made a virtual epoxy table workshop that will be replacing the in-person workshops I used to host. There are over three hours of content showing every step to all but ensuring success (and avoiding disaster). If you are interested check it out here.

Epoxy Workshop Support:

For any theory or practical questions you may have regarding my epoxy workshop, please make sure to login to your account and post your question in the comment section of the course, so all members of the community can benefit.

If you have any technical issues regarding your epoxy workshop account (ie. Billing, Login Support, etc.) please contact:

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